> Would a lit cigarette be able to damage you're under the car(underskirt)/car paint or car tyre?

Would a lit cigarette be able to damage you're under the car(underskirt)/car paint or car tyre?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Picture your car up on a rack. A mechanic is using a cutting torch and sparks are flying everywhere. Now that cig seems like nothing now doesn't it?

There is about a one in a million chance any significant damage would occur. Forget about it.

Not unless you're dripping petrol but even then the gas/air mix would be too low to ignite.

Its a car, not a sodding white wedding dress. Shhessh. No is the answer.

Very unlikely.

Are you serious? As an ex smoker i can tell you that if you moisten two fingers you can quickly squeeze and snuff out a lighted ciggie end. You must be either a troll or pretty paranoid.

If the cigarette was to rest on the paintwork it would damge it but that could not happen on a moving car - no you are worrying about nothing.

Very selfish of the smoker. First they don't care about damaging their health by committing slow suicide. Then they just throw the thing out the window for the world to see and deal with. Cig temps are low and won't hurt a tire at all. Could possibly hitch up to the bottom of the car but would go out with all the wind. So not likely is the answer.

Basically I was following a van driver like 1-2 spaces car length. The driver was smoking a cigarette then he decides to throws it out which I can see the ashes burning(lit) and cigarette bouncing off the road (low) so I had to avoid it by either driving over the cigarette with my tyre or in-between(underskirt of the car) but I am concerned thinking if it can damage the car tyre or underskirt of the car/car paintwork?