> Would a 1986 mercedes benz 300e be a good first car ?

Would a 1986 mercedes benz 300e be a good first car ?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I had 1994 version of the same car.

As a first car, I don't suggest it. You are looking at a car that is nearly 30 years old. Being your first experience in owning a vehicle, I'd suggest something a bit newer.

As to routine maintenance, the car consumes 8 quarts of regular oil (not synthetic) and an odd looking oil filter. There are "weak spots" on that car but I won't bother mentioning it in this case as the car is already 28 years old. Any spot on that car can fail at any time due to age.

There are few things you should be aware of though. STRANGE things are quite complex on these cars. For example, the door locks.... they are pneumatically actuated. There is an air pump under rear seat and air hose going to all doors, fuel flap, and trunk. You unlock the driver side door, everything unlocks. If this breaks, fuel door has to be manually opened. Also note, there is only ONE wiper.... really long one. To wipe all area, this wiper lengthens and shortens via a clutch mechanism built into the base of the wiper arm. There is also a relay called OVP behind the battery. If this goes, engine fails to start or runs really roughly.

Actually, Mercedes-Benz parts for that models are not that expensive even new. Also, often, you can repair the parts by replacing components, rather than changing the whole assembly. Problem is, you have to take off whole bunch of "stuff" to replace a single part, so labor tends to be quite expensive, and it does eat massive amount of parts. (mine did)

When I owned mine, my annual maintenance cost ran about $2000. Of course, I didn't do any of the work myself. I'd expect your experience to be worse as mine was only 7 years old when I bought it. Your example is nearly 30 years old. Even a well engineered and high quality machine do wear out - and need to be maintained often.

Good luck. I really don't recommend it.

It would be a pretty good choice. Just make sure that the mechanic you go to knows Benz pretty damn well. That way you know you are getting the right service for a car such as that one.

Mercedes Benz are great cars, and in the long run they do give you what you pay for. They aren't for everyone though, because it is German engineering you need to be sure you really take care of it properly.

Before you make a purchase, take a good mechanic with you and have them look everything over before you even test drive.

I just bought myself my 2nd car.. a 2010 E350 sport package. I could have purchased a brand new Hyundai which was my intention, but my brother is a Mercedez Benz mechanic... one of few in the Chicago land area that knows the Maybach like the back of his hand. So it is obvious that it makes more sense for me to get a Benz because of labor and service.

Do your research on the year and model and see if there were any issues during that time.

Mercedes are great NEW cars. They do not hold up well over time, and they cost a fortune to repair.Anyone who tells you differently has probably never owned one. I owned two before I lesrned my lesson. The engines are good and do last well. Everything else on the car, not so much. Good luck!

How many miles on it? Mercedes parts are NOT cheap, and you can only use so much from junkyard. How well was it maintained by previous owner/s? If 150K miles or over, think twice.

its good with proper maintenance will run for ever

I think it would be good. you would have to pay about $20 a year for maintenance because basically all you have to do is this:

Change oil

Use free-on if AC runs out

that's basically it, for something that new. i'm used to my truck. a 1970 Chevy

Totally depends on its condition and the way you drive it. !!! :)

yes i think it would be great

Been looking around for a good first car and I happen to see this beauty. I was looking around online and it's says the cars are fairly easy to take care of and not that expensive if you treat it right ie correct gas and correct oil and coolant. That's the main reason I want it because from what I read it's fairly easy to take care of. And parts are also fairly easy to find in junk yards. The car is running $2,300 from a used car dealership. Warrant I haven't checked the car out yet but assuming I take it to the mechanic and the car is in good condition and I don't have to fix it right off of the purchase. I was wondering if this would be a good first car purchase. Or would this car just run a giant hole in my pocket from having to pay to get it fixed all the time. And if so could I get a price estimate as to how much I might have to pay a year for maintenance and to keep the car cut for the road in running condition ?