> Will red diesel mess up my truck?

Will red diesel mess up my truck?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I got a 2005 duramax and at my job there's a diesel tank that contains red diesel. Will putting that diesel in my truck mess it up?

In the unlikely scenario where a cop would check your fuel tank for untaxed diesel, it might get you a fine. I don't even know how one would sample a Duramax fuel tank or why one would have a reason.

not sure about the 2005 but the 2008 fuel filter doesnt last long with it

YES !! Red diesel color means that it was sold as OFF ROAD FUEL ONLY, like farm tractors or stone quarry loaders. It is dyed red because IF the cops catch you using it on the road, they will impound your truck & file federal charges against you.

No it won't hurt it. But in some states its illegal to run red diesel fuel.

No, it won't hurt your truck but if you get stopped at a DOT checkpoint, it can certainly hurt your wallet. Those people really frown on that.

I got a 2005 duramax and at my job there's a diesel tank that contains red diesel. Will putting that diesel in my truck mess it up?