> Will his engine blow up?

Will his engine blow up?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It is mainly acetone. If you put 10oz into a tank with 10 gallons, it will not cause any immediate problem.

It may damage gaskets or a rubber fuel line, etc. If only 1 gallon in tank and he puts in a gallon then might cause more of a problem since it is a strong solvent.

well its probably going to get a bunch of gunk in the engine and it won't run as well and then that jack*** is going to have to get his truck serviced

well a small can probably not a lot.. it could gum up the fuel filter for a bit till the gas corrodes the primer away. injectors or carb the same thing.. if he has less than a 1/4 tank of gas it may do something but doubtful..

it will run ,just will turn his gas purple . I don't think he will be adding gallons of it ,just a pint wont do anything .

This is not good. I remain well concerned. Keep me advised.

hopefully it blows up...but unlikely lol

nothing will happen

At my school, this kid (who's a complete idiot) got into an argument with another kid about their trucks or something. The idiot kid thinks that he can put purple PVC pipe primer in his gas tank and it will still run. So the other kid bet him to do it and the idiot is going to do it tomorrow after school. What will happen to his car? Will it be totally F'ed or only partially?