> Will draining and then adding battery acid from autozone revive a dead battery?

Will draining and then adding battery acid from autozone revive a dead battery?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
BE CAREFUL!!!!!! Sometimes there can be a short between cells and the fumes created by the acid/plate reaction can cause the battery to blow up in your face.Any kind of ignition source,smoking,cell phone or just happened to be a static charge will set it off.

No. If the deal battery has shorted out, sulfate from the plates has dropped to the bottom of the cell or sells shorting the battery.

I had a (very cheap) friend who used to try that . . . pour-out and filter the old acid, try to flush the plates, refill with filtered and new acid. He did everything but put under a pyramid during the full moon. At most, he "rejuvenated" them for a week or so . . . then they would short out.

BTW: "battery revitalizers" were once a common snake-oil: I understand they were made from epsom salt.

Hi no the problem is the battery has sulphides up it's lead plates. so due to use over a number of years the best cure is a new battery.
