> Will a jump-start work on a battery that's been dead for 2 or 3 months?

Will a jump-start work on a battery that's been dead for 2 or 3 months?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
My car hasn't been started for about 3 months. The battery has been dead for at least 2 months. Will a jump start by AAA get it working? The battery is less than a year old.

I agree that it is worth a try, but I bet it will not hold a charge overnight. Sitting for three months, way longer than needed for a security system to completely discharge a battery, will ruin even a brand new battery. The good news is that the battery warranty, if you have the info, is still valid and will probably replace it at no cost.

in support,

nothing to loose with AAA. it either wont or will accept a charge. might take a bit of time. depends on how far it's been depleted.

i second the motion on NO baking soda inside a battery. stuffs good for neutralizing acid spills b4 clean up.

to add,

if low on water, don't add water till it's succesfully jumped. adding water prior to that will further dilute a charge.


most any auto parts store will charge it free of cost for you. load test it as well.

you can buy a 1amp trickle charger for $10 at harbor freight. a 1.7amp solar chrger for $20. it takes along time to chg but, they will let you know if the battery will hold a charge. it will put a strain on both vehicle's electric system to just hook up cables.

check the water level even if it's maintenance free. maybe add some baking soda to a dead cell. you can check that with a gravity tester which is also only a couple of dollars.

It may get it started but you need to go to an auto shop and get it recharged too.

You can try

DON'T put baking soda in a cell. Baking soda neutralizes acid!!! You'll really kill the batt if ya do that! Do like suggested above, charge it up, the vehicle will do is some, using a charger is best. Then take the batt to an auto parts store, they will test it for free. Also, why did it die? They will also test the charging system for ya.

yes it will start but the battery needs a good charge - better get a new one- it;s way cheaper than a tow truck.


My car hasn't been started for about 3 months. The battery has been dead for at least 2 months. Will a jump start by AAA get it working? The battery is less than a year old.