> Why would someone want to put mileage on a car they just bought?

Why would someone want to put mileage on a car they just bought?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It is their car not yours. They bought it to drive and they are the one paying for it so that means if they want to drive it and put miles on it, their car. I see no reason why this is your business.

Maybe they just want to have fun driving the new (to them) car before weather gets ugly, which is when you DON'T want to drive a car.

It wouldn't have anything to do with 'breaking in' a car, because a used car is long past 'breaking in' time. It's already broken in.

So there's nothing mechanical involved.

I really think it's just them wanting to enjoy drivng the car before winter weather gets ugly. Go out, have some fun, take a spin!!

Enjoy it before the snow falls!!

They will find out if the car has any problems since a breakdown in bad weather is a lot more of an inconvenience.

To prove a point. Its as simple as that. The "point" they want to prove could be a hundred different things and its a waste of time trying to figure out what it is. For all I know, they'll take the car straight to the junkyard after the "point" has been proven....................

Probably to check if anything is about to fail before the bad weather hits.

Someone just bought a used car and they say they want to put more miles on his car. Why would they want to put more miles on a car? They said they want to put as much miles as they can before winter hits