> Why would my air conditioning fan only work when the brakes or other lights are on?

Why would my air conditioning fan only work when the brakes or other lights are on?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Sounds like a wiring problem there's either no electric current going threw cable with out another cable influencing it or some one didn't know or made a short cut using 1 of those wires for 2 things. When dealing with safety features its best just to take it to the experts.

Hi so you have some good answers so how are you going to cure it. i think you have no other option as most cars in the last 30 years are mostly computer all over the car it needs a specialist and where are you going to find such a guy. yes that's right a toyota dealer. or an auto electrician.

Has someone done work on the car for any reason? Sounds rather like miswiring!

The only electrical work that I know of is alarm related, which shouldn't have any effect on air con,,, but of course you never know...

It's worth pointing out that the fault isn't constant. I mean sometimes just the brake lights don't make the fan cut in, it will only cut in when something else is on.

It will even blow on / off, on / off with the indicators sometimes! And sometimes it works for a while with no extra load, or for a while after the extra load is removed, then cuts out randomly after a minute or two, so it's certainly an intermittent fault.

On turning on the air con, the fans (there are two in the rear of my Toyota Granvia) spin for a few seconds then stop.

If I turn on the headlights, or apply the brakes (making the brake lights come on) or out the car in reverse or even if I put the heater on (separate fan) then the fans cut in and blow cold air.

As soon as the "additional electrical load" is removed the fans stop again?

I'm thinking a bad earth or a defective relay but I'm no expert!