> Why oil spray lubrication is better for machines?

Why oil spray lubrication is better for machines?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I've seen people start fires by spraying WD-40 into a running electric motor. WD-40 is good for some light duty applications like door hinges but you are better off using oil for lubrication on machines or motors. I also recommend 3-in-one oil. That's what I use to lubricate motors with sleeved bearings.

Watch out.... you can ruin an electric motor with WD-40. Lots of people lubricate with that - but it's so fine that it gets into the molecules of the bearings and turns into glue. You need - at the very least - 3 In 1 oil for motor bearings.

WD-40 is for replacing water on surfaces. We burned up a lot of it when I was at sea keeping the steering apparatus clear of rust.

? ???? Hi from France ???? ? ?

It depends the parts where you put the oil. Sprays tend to put oil everywhere, contrary to one or two drops right on the spot.



this is not true as a generalisation. however some applications it is. e.g. where metal parts not only need a thin film applied but need heat to be taken away e.g. camshafts. pistons.

Please include the exact lubricant and machine being lubricated.