> Why is my new radiator leaking?

Why is my new radiator leaking?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It's possible it's something simple like a bad hose clamp where the new radiator was installed. The clamps on modern cars are sometimes suspect to reuse as they loose tension and don't clamp properly when they are refitted.

Or the new radiator is faulty.

Or there is something completely unrelated wrong (water pump, heater core etc)

As mentioned, my crystal ball is also in the shop. Without actually LOOKING under the hood and seeing where the leak is, it's total guesswork.

You can't assume the radiator is leaking. It has to be checked closely. Maybe the radiator wasn't leaking in the first place. Diagnosing the problem properly and fully is always the first step.

It may not be the radiator at all. It could be as simple as a hose was not clamped down correctly when they did the replacement. Bring it right back. As for doing a bad job, well lets just say it wasn't done with complete attention and you now have the ability to embarrass them somewhat. Although anyone who charges that much for the work you had done may very well be beyond embarrassing.

Sorry, my crystal ball is in the repair shop getting new a new radiator and motor mounts for $1100.

Why are you asking instead of having the car towed to the shop that did the work? How could anyone possibly know what is wrong based on your words? Cars are repaired by mechanics.

You may have had a problem with the cooling system other than the radiator.

I just spent $1100 on new motor mounts and a new radiator for my Altima about 2 weeks ago, and as I was leaving the parking lot today, I noticed a lot of fluid on the ground where my car was. I looked at my temperature gauge and noticed it was all the way to h. I am now waiting for my father to come pick me up.

Why is my new radiator leaking already? How can this be happening? Did they do a bad job?