> Why is my car jerking while acceleration?

Why is my car jerking while acceleration?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Maybe you're releasing the clutch too soon. You have to balance the accelerator and the clutch. Try applying more gas while releasing the clutch. If nothing have worked then maybe something's really wrong with the car.

You are misfiring? You need a doctor.

Pour-in seals are only temporary - you need to get a proper job done.

fixed that already with a liquid that seals it. its junk for sure now. give up and start over with a different car. imports are not a good older car to have.

sometimes, cars start to jerk and stall when acceleration when they need spark plugs, spark plug wires, or something with the wiring.

I have a 1992 Toyota Paseo. Manual Transmission. I've been told that I am misfiring and that I have a leak through my 4th cylinder. I believe I fixed that already with a liquid that seals it couple days ago. I know because my motor isn't shaking as much as it use to anymore. But what's happening now is when I start accelerating, my car jerks really bad and tries to stall. This started happening for nearly one week now. Someone told me it could be an air leak to the throttle? But I saw videos with the exact same problem and the most I found from them is a Throttle Sensor problem? I don't know.. If someone had the exact same problem and tell me how they solved the problem please let me know..