> Why is my car doing this? What is the problem? Injectors put back in wrong? Computer problem? Transmission problem? Pist

Why is my car doing this? What is the problem? Injectors put back in wrong? Computer problem? Transmission problem? Pist

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The Check Engine light comes on when the computer detects a problem. It will store a code to identify the problem, and save diagnostic data.

Without knowing the code, nobody here can help you. Your service receipts from Ford should tell you what code was detected, and what they did to fix it. Sharing that information will let the Y!A community provide you with some useful answers.


I recommend contacting our Customer Relationship Center at 1-800-392-3673. Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST (Monday-Friday) and 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST (Saturday).

They’ll be happy to assist and get connected with a customer service manager for your region. Your CSM will work directly with your dealer to reach a resolution.

Also, you’re welcome to seek a second opinion from another Ford Dealer.

Enjoy the rest of your day!


You need to take the car to another shop, you have probably been going to the dealership where Country Boy the non-mechanic works as a shop boy and they have been letting him try and fix cars.

You need to have the car reworked by the dealer again. there are many issues that could cause that - even an overcharging alternator


This is prob a Lemon Law case. gather all the details and call some LL lawyers in your state n area.

I bought a brand new 2013 v6 mustang in the summer of 2012, I'm still under warranty and have 28,200 some miles on it at this time. I use the car to goto school, work, and hangout with friends on the weekends. I only floor it once in a while, I'd say approximately a couple times a month, never had any issues so far up until the end of this past summer I notice that I was leaking a very small amount of oil from one of my gaskets. (Not the head gasket) but it wasn't giving me any problems when I punch it. when I got the car back from ford I punch it about a week later and the check engine light came on, took it back to ford, they fixed it, got it back few days later, a week and a half later I punched it, same thing happened, check engine came on, took it to ford, got it back a couple days later. Drove normal for three weeks (3000 rpm and under). Coming home one day gave it some gas to get up a steep hill, as soon as I got above 4k rpm, check engine again! Took it to ford got it back few days later. And finally I drove normal for over a month and this past weekend I raced my buddy's 350z we did a rolling start, punched it on the 3rd honk when I hit 5k rpm guess what, check engine light again. I hit the brakes right away and when I got under 3k rpm engine light went off. I drive the car normally and its fine, I give the car too much gas the check engine light comes on. Someone help please. Each time this has happened the check engine light either blinks & goes off or stays on.