> Why is bolt male and nut is the female?

Why is bolt male and nut is the female?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I'm going to take a wild guess that bolt is long and penis are long and firm while nut and vagina has holes?

You're a genius. You figured it out all by yourself.

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It's all about innies and outies. Coaxial connectors are confusing - male and female connectors are detemined by the center part, not the fastener.

The bolt is inserted into the nut, But if it's a nut why would it be a female since females don't have nuts?

well a male has a goesinto that goesinto the females goesinto. now the funny thing is freud said the woman was jealous of the males goesinto and thats where all their troubles rise from, but with her goesinto she can have all the male goesintos she wants, so freud might not have been so right as just a man with a small goesinto.

Exactly. The same thing is true when you are wiring an electrical plug or doing plumbing.

Makes sense does it not?

The washer is the condom! without it , you are not safe.

I'm going to take a wild guess that bolt is long and penis are long and firm while nut and vagina has holes?