> Why does my tire wobble at higher speeds?

Why does my tire wobble at higher speeds?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Jack up the wheel move the wheel around with your hands see if there is any slop in the axle bearing if not it's going to be balance. Ill just assume the lugs are tight. Most of the time it's just needs to be balanced again make sure they use a spin balance machine not a bubble balancer.

i think it is bicause ur tire is getting old so better is to change it with a new one or a sport tire ( for high speed) cuz and i have a subaru i feel a wobble when i drive 80 km/h or maybe if u use wheels for snow in asphalt it make noise and wobbles :)

First off check to see that all the lugnuts are tight. Some people have been known to not put them on tight enough because removing them is harder. The lugnuts then get looser. Besides a front end alignment, I dunno. Tires also need be balanced. I couldn't guess which steering component would be at fault. Check all the joints at the tie rod ends and whatnot. You might spot something loose. Good luck.

One or more of the little balance weights has fallen off. Get it re-balanced. Any tire shop will do that for you - they spin it, add little lead weights till it is right. Charge only a few dollars per tire. It's OK to drive to the shop to get it done.

Don't replace the tire just yet. Have them checked by a mechanic and if need be, have them balanced. If this and replacement doesn't solve the problem. Check your suspension bushings and pieces for wear or damage.

It could be a few things. The bolts may be loose so tighten them or have it tightened. Your car may be out of alignment. Or you may have damaged your rim and need to replace or fix it. There are more possibilities but these are the more common ones

I drive a 97 Subaru Legacy. My front driver's side tire wobbles when I drive 50 mph or faster. It has only been getting worse and feels as if it could fall off. What exactly is this and what can I do to fix it?

Thank you!