> Why does my 2013 Ford Fiesta have a manual transmission?

Why does my 2013 Ford Fiesta have a manual transmission?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Do I have this right? . . . You've had this car for a year and you're not sure if you have to shift gears or it has an automatic?? Someone told you it's manual? You don't know why it's what it is?? I'm sorry - but this is beyond my comprehension.

The air conditioning compressor saps a lot of engine power when running . . . . many low-powered cars have controls that turn-off the compressor during acceleration to make the car a bit peppier....you may also notice it cut-out when going up a steep grade. You're not being scammed - but apparently you weren't very careful choosing this car.

As Yes, Alan is correct: sound reflects off hard surfaces so a running car sounds noisier when you're next to a wall. Surprised you haven't noticed that phenomena before: loud noises reflect and echo in hallways, lobbies, parking lots, around airports and all sorts of places that have hard surfaces.

Is there a clutch pedal you use with your left foot? Does the shift lever have letters P R D L N or similar? If no to the first and yes to the second question it has an automatic transmission.

Heat: There is a little diverter door operated by engine vacuum pressure that sends the cold air to the vents. When you first turn on the A/C there is warm/hot air in the system and the fan blows it out. Should only be warm for 10-20 seconds. After that if only cold air comes out then it is operating normally.

Sounds like you are driving an automatic, not manual. Manual transmission means you have to change gear manually (not just from P to D).

When your car is next to the wall or bigger car, the engine sound will reflect back to you. That's why it seems much louder.

As to the grinding noise and A/C concern, I suggest you talk with different Ford dealerships and see which one cares to take a look. Just be patience because each one is different. Research their user ratings beforehand is also a good idea.

ok, I have been looking into buying this car in a 2014 and researching it. The transmission is probably the Dual-Clutch Automatic Transmission. Meaning it acts, feels and sounds like a manual but has a sensor (no clutch pedal) to shift gears for you like an automatic. Sounds like normal operation for this car from what I've read. As for the a/c, every car I've had does that.

you're not sure if it has a manual transmission? do you have a clutch & are you required to shift gears as you increase & decrease speed & do you have to put it in neutral when you come to a stop?

then you have a manual transmission. as to why: it's a cheap car & you got the lowest grade model.

if you do in fact have a manual transmission & you hear grinding gears when you accelerate & you "shoot back" it's because you're not properly shifting your gears when you accelerate or you're trying to accelerate too quickly when you're already in 4th gear.

if you have an automatic transmission & you hear grinding when you accelerate & you "shoot back" then it's because you're accelerating too quickly for the hamsters on the treadmill in your engine & you have a lead foot & can expect lots of speeding tickets in your future.

you don't have a high performance engine in this car. you can't accelerate from 0 to 60 in 10 seconds in it. it needs a little time to get there.

when you're waiting at a drive thru with your window open & the engine running, the wall you're idling next to is throwing sound back at you making it seem louder than it actually is. nothing out of the norm here, just a little physics in real life coming back at you.

as for the AC issue: what AC issue. you live in a hot locale, you're sucking in air from the outside to cool down, you accelerate which causes your engine to heat up which causes the air around the engine to heat up & that causes the next blast of air you bring into the car to be hot. do you have a recirculation button on your AC? make sure you engage that & your AC will recirculate the air that is already in the cabin instead of pulling air in from outside once you're up & running (it also puts less of a strain on your engine & helps to save gas). by using your recirc button you may eliminate this problem with the hot air when you accelerate.

no one is trying to scam you. it sounds like your car is working exactly as it should.

Does it have a clutch pedal .................... if so are you using it ? LOL.

So I've had my car for about a year and I kind if hate it. I remember being told it has a manual transmission. A couple months into having the car when I accelerated I hear what sounds like grinding and it kinda shoots back, but sounds good when I'm continously going. Sometimes when I'm at the drive thru waiting for food and have the window down I feel the car is loudly running. Last, but not least it gets hot where I live so when I have the a/c on I get really mad that it is blowing cold air fine, but whenwhen I begin to accelerate it shoots out hot air for a second then goes back to cool. I was told from the dealership this is all normal for this car.

Am I being scammed? I still am under warranty and I feel they just don't want to fix my car for free.

Please help me understand this car if its normal or not.