> Why do the electric plugs in my house spark?

Why do the electric plugs in my house spark?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Sounds as though the docket itself is shorting out. Simple replacement by be the answer but in any case worth shelling out a bit of cash to have both it and reason checked out.

Electrical fires are major cause of fires.

Old wiring is or ought to be ok if left up disturbed and not over loaded.

If it's very old wiring? We may be demanding too muchowr ? This causes overheating and breakdown of components and wiring.

Hence qualified electrician here is best.

these probbley a wire with a cut and its touching another cable ! I would see a electrican

Your question has nothing to do with CARS & TRANSPORTATION, the section you posted it in.

But to address your question, I'd certainly be concerned. If no one in your house is a certified electrician, that is the first phone call I would make this morning...

it is only some naughty ghosts playing around,nothing to worry,ghost do not do any damage.

It was about 230 am when my parents noticed their outlet sparking and our tv tunring on and off. We immediately turned off the breakers for the electricity and my dad said it was just old wiring. However, my sisters room which is down the hall from my parents room, was also having the same problem, except her outlets didnt spark. My dad did put caps on the wires though and left it at that but he turned the breakers for the electricity back on. Im really unsure of what we should do next. Should we call somebody to come check it? Should we try and fix it ourselves? My dads stubborn and thinks he knows how to handle everything. I just dont want an accident happening or anything of that sort.