> Why do signs at gas stations say to turn off the engine while fueling up?

Why do signs at gas stations say to turn off the engine while fueling up?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
because a spark from your car or your cell phone can ignite the gas and kaboom !!!! you and your car and the gas station will blow up supposedly. Not sure that they are telling the truth or not.


Many modern cars computer controlled will see the fuel gauge rising while the engine running as a fault and that could cause a check engine light. Otherwise FIRE is a good reason not to fuel a running car.

First of all, it is a state fire law code in all states of the USA. Second of all, it is just plain dumb to leave a car running without someone behind the steering wheel. Third, it is plain stupid to waste gasoline idling while doing anything. One of the reasons hybrid cars, cars with the "stop/start" feature where a car stopped turns itself off, etc. have excellent gas mileage is that they minimize idling. Fourth, please look in YouTube as to gas station fires and as to static electricity discharges. At all COSTCO gasoline dispending stations if you care to look up, there are pipes with plastic caps on the ends. This is called a "deluge water system" that shall activate to smother any fire that could be started for any reason. For further information please call any fire department station or drop on by for a scheduled fire pit training session, if allowed. As to why people insist on leaving the engine running the main reason is our education system for the signs are posted but many refuse to read and do the right thing.

its fire code for all gas stations all over US and for liability reasons for the gas station. Like how they say you shouldn't get in your car while filling up because the upholstery could create a static charge.

To etrnlchld: If your spark plugs are throwing sparks outside of the engine, your car shouldn't even be on the road

It's a throwback to the old days when there could be stray sparks around when the engine was running, sometimes from the dynamo, the ignition and so on and these stray sparks could potentially ignite fuel vapour.

It's very unlikely to happen these days but they aren't prepared to take the remotest chance, hence the requirement to switch off engines and mobile phones.

Because a running engine can ignite the gas vapors when the wind is blowing right, you have your toes crossed, there is a full moon, and Mercury, Venus, and the Earth are aligned.

Because, the car can cause a spark near the fuel tank, or a fire could run to the fuel tank, and your car could explode.

Same reason they say "No Smoking while pumping gas"...It's to cover their *** in case of some catastrophy.I watched a segment of "Myth-Busters" when they were trying to ignite gas with a cigarrete and they couldn't do it, gas extinguished the cig.

your car could blow up from the hot and vibrating gas. dont smoke cigarettes while pumping and dont talk on the cell phone because it only takes ONE spark to start a fire.

When your engine is running, your spark plus create sparks. The sparks created may ignite the gas fumes from you pumping gas.

Because ANY poor electrical wiring in the car could ignite the gasoline fumes around the car or truck.

Kaboom, thats why.

They say to rest your hand on it while operating the nozzle with the other.

Thats for static charge.

Because it is dangerous to leave the engine running...

It's slightly possible to cause your car to catch on fire.

So you can't just hop in it and throw it in gear and steal the gas.

I smoke cigs at tge gas station, leave my bike running sometimes, i havent blown up, yet...

It could start a fire

To make you ask questions...

its dangerous!