> Why did my car oil became so low?

Why did my car oil became so low?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There are only 3 possibilities: a leak.......it consumes/burns oil ....... it was not filled to begin with.

Leaks: I'll take your word that it doesn't leak any oil while sitting . . . . .but have you checked the underside of the car for signs that it leaks while running? could be a leak that only manifests at speed...the oil dispersed on the bottom of the car.

Consumes it: most of us automatically suspect worn piston rings with an older car. Another age/mileage issue is the valve stem seals that harden and leak, letting oil into the cylinders. There are also other ways for oil to be consumed - I've had cars suck oil thru a defective power brake booster! If it's valve seals, the normal sign is blue smoke when starting the engine that decreases as you drive. For any problem with oil burning, you should detect heavy deposits inside the tailpipe. Really bad consumption and you get oil fouled spark plugs and poor running.

And for a real wildcard: I had an Olds 403 V8 . . . had a failing head gasket . . . that usually results in coolant in the cylinders. With mine, tho', I got oil in the coolant: actually had to empty the coolant overflow from time to time as the oil collected there. It ran perfectly, but the problem eventually got bad enough that we had to do a head job.

Older engines can burn a bit of oil, but otherwise be OK. Doesn't mean the engine is shot, just that's it's starting to get worn. It could still go for another 90k miles, IF you check the oil more often, and top it up as needed.

BTW, bottom of the dipstick is about 3/4 of the oil left. If the engine holds ~4 litres, the low mark will be when there is about 3 litres left. Just top up an extra litre, and check it again next month.

ONLY 93,000 he says. I didn't check it for 3 months he says. Why is there no oil? he asks.

Because the car has 93,000 miles on the clock and you haven't dipped the oil in 3 months. That's why.

How many miles have you driven in those 3 months?

only 93,000 miles is just a few months shy of 100,000 and you didnt check your oil for 3 months, thats how it happens. always monitor your parking space for fluid leaks and check your oil once a week. if you ever have a real problem, checking once a week wouldnt have been enough

Did you check the level after you changed it? It could have been low this whole time...

If the oil level is dropping and it is not lost externally, it is either being burned internally in the cylinder(s) or it is mixing with the coolant.

I changed my oil only 3 Months ago and now when I checked my oil, its close to empty. There is no leak whatsoever. What could be the cause of this? This never happen before. My car is only 93k miles. Anyone have any idea?