> Why Do My Brakes Keep Squeaking?!?

Why Do My Brakes Keep Squeaking?!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Anytime you work with brake you have to make sure you are working in a clean area. Usually I spray everything down with brake cleaner before working. This is also recommended due to unhealthy brake dust flying around.

If your back brakes were working or adjusted right then this would put more stress on the brake pads hardware, and rotors. Working on cars is a learning experance it not just replacing parts. The shop will fix your car right give. Now just yourself a bit more stopping distance and your brakes should last for years.

You need an honest mechanic. Brakes shouldn't screech like that. The front brakes do a majority of the braking anyway, and they're built for it. Something else is going on here, so have an HONEST mechanic SHOW you what is wrong. It's not really that complicated

New think is sometime become unusable. Make it again.

im not 100% familiar with that car, but in most cars the breaks can be adjusted. Takes 1 labor hour to do (less than 100 bucks) no new parts needed. just a tool to turn a screw in the breaks

I. Am. Losing. My. Mind

2004 Hyundai Accent 2 Door.

Last summer, I replaced my brakes and rotors for my car (front). All is fine, but within what I believe was either a few days or a couple weeks, my car started squeaking, well screeching actually, everytime I braked! Just slow breaking at low speeds, not any breaking when I was on the highway, just coming to stops or near stops.

It was really bad, I didn't understand how that could be, I just replaced everything. So, after like a month I replaced my brakes again to a slightly 'better' brake pad. I think original ones were metallic, then these were semi metallic, or the other way around. Doesn't matter, because within a couple days it was the same frickin thing. I didn't have the money to throw at it, so I've driven it till now. Just brought it in, spent a few hundred on getting the rotors machined, some parts siliconed etc. Two days later, same old squeel. 7 months of this now. They said my rear brakes aren't doing their share, some things are seized up they said. They told me this could be why its still squeeling, because the front brakes are doing all of the braking. I don't know if I trust them after they charged me $361 for machining my rotors and siloconing some parts.

Is it possible that my rotors are the problem? Would ceramic fix this? If my rear brakes aren't working properly, could this contribute? Should I drive my into a river? I'm losing my mind!