> Who's at fault in this towing incident?

Who's at fault in this towing incident?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The tow ring is for transport reasons only and not for towing or pulling. It is used when transported on a truck to secure it to his trailer. You can get a lawyer to handle this at no cost because it is a hands down win for you. They will pay the damage and legal fees when you win the case. Get a document from the dealer stating the ring is only used when the car is on a trailer to secure it down and not for pulling forward on the ring.

Am sure that Canada as a towing association or other industry group, or even a government body, that tells how every model should be towed - - - - certainly Acura does. If the tow driver followed prescribed procedures he is not at fault....if he didn't follow them he is at fault. If the towing eye failed due to rust or damage, then you are at fault (!).

Tow truck driver so his company is at fault. the car is 10 years old how can they blame the manufacturer, the tow ring has been alright for 10 years until they touched it

In the UK it would be the recovery firm as they chose the method. When my car was recovered by the AA (UK) the guy said he never trusted the eye bolt as they could pull out. He put strops around the front suspension to haul it up the ramp. The real clue is in the description 'towing eye'. He wasn't towing he was winching.

The TOW company for sure. Their mechanic fitted the towing eye and it was in THEIR charge as it was being pulled onto the tow truck. THEIR insurance is the one to get hammered. Small claims court probably required but you would win.

It's not your problem. The towing company sorts you out and if they think there's a manufacturing defect they can take that up with the maker. They won't.

Get YOUR insurance co involved.

Who ever gets the blame, it's not your fault. Your insurance co repairs the car for you, and sorts out the liability behind the scenes. They have a legal department that deals with this sort of stuff.

Otherwise this could go back and forward for weeks, and you are out of pocket until it's resolved.

John is right. If they resist then you will have to take them to small claims court (USA). Get documentation of what happened like name of driver etc and take pics of the damage. Show these things to the tow company. If they refuse to repair the vehicle go directly to small claims court.

Why is everyone calling it a tow hook, ring or eye? It is not there for towing it is a tie down for shipping not towing.

THE TOW SERVICE,.....they have insurance for such things,...they mar resist,..but their responsible

I was towing my 2004 acura tl to a garage. So I called CAA, and they sent a two truck company over. The driver hooked up the towing eye bolt (the small circle on the front bumper of the car) and used that to pull the car up on to the flat bed. The car made it to the top and then (I'm guessing it's the bold) snapped off and the car rolled off the flat bed (while it was inclined) and my rear bumper is damaged. I called CAA and they said the manufacturer is at fault because it was a part on the car itself that broke, but Acura says it was because of the tow truck driver, because he didn't secure it properly.

I'm not sure what to do now. Who would be at fault in this situation?

Thanks for your help in advance!