> Who is responsible for damage to my car?

Who is responsible for damage to my car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
well you definitely should report it to your insurance company and the reason why is because no insurance company wants to pay for the damages of property especially if they can suborgate someone else to get them to pay for the damages. So your claims adjuster (if you have a good claims adjuster) will suborgate the people responsible (whether that is state or the builder or who ever). So initially you may have to pay your deductible for now but if your adjuster can suborgate the other people and if they are found to be responsible they will pay you back for your deductible. You are also obligated to your insurance company to report damages done to your car because if you don't it can (but unlikely) be considered insurance fraud. Good luck I hope this helps!

Source- Insurance agent

Who is responsible for damage to your car --> YOU! You should not have parked it next to a condemned house. You will pay for the repair then claim from your insurance company less the deductible - then watch your premium go up next year. Your insurance company may be able to get something back from the building owner or his insurance but Dude: it's a condemned building, so there's probably not much money there.

Wow, might be a matter of having to go via your insurance - it isn't to say that the owner of the property would be around or found (could be abroad for example or deceased). The City do have to take some responsibility here it is unacceptable for a building to be left in such a state, could easily have landed on someone rather than your car.

Since it is an "abandoned" building, chances are the owners/lien holders may not be within reach to recompense anyone. A defendant attorney may argue that this qualifies as a force majeure (act of God) and hence no party is liable.


"abandoned" should be "condemned"

Sounds as if the city is/has made effort on this matter. How recent has the building been condemned? How/why did the roof fall on your car? What caused it to fall? Where were you/your car when this roof fell on your car? These are just a few of the questions you may expect from the adversaries.

Call your insurance agent. That's who you've been paying to serve you in case of this kind of thing all these years. They have the resources and legal muscle to resolve the situation.

Try to negotiate the owner of that building if nothing happens, that's the time to take further action.

Your comprehensive automobile insurance company will go after the owner of the condemned house.

Pieces of the roof of a recently condemned house on my block fell onto the hood of my car. Should the city of Pittsburgh be resposible for the damage? Do I have to file a civil suit against the owner of the building? Do I have to file a claim with my insurance company and just eat the cost of the deductible? Thanks in advance!