> Who is at fault in a parking lot accident?

Who is at fault in a parking lot accident?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Technically you are at fault. You felt a bump, so that probably did the damage. Backing out of parking spots is always a difficult situation.

In the future, think about using parking spaces where you can drive thru to the other side, so when you are leaving you are facing forward. We started that and life is much easier.

Firstly, did you match your bumper to where her dent was? That is the first things cops would do. If they don't match and her dent is not "fresh" then she already had the dent in her vehicle. Sliding door is halfway down the car(I had a VW van and the sliding door is behind the passenger seat.(so she had to be hauling _ss). In a parking lot it normally falls to the person backing out but in this case I would think it would be an exception to that rule.

. Let your insurance company handle it. They are like the cops in that they will inspect both vehicles(meaning do not clean your car until this has been settled) as your bumper should have some of her car color on it as well as scratch marks. Insurance guys know what to look for.

. If you go and polish up your car, you are getting rid of evidence that might prove you innocent.

. There is no way only one car gets damaged.

Parking lot accident, no one at fault and bothe are responsible for their own damages. Pretty sure that is the way it works. Other person parking the other unparking. She was driving to fast too..

No rules on parking lots.

It sounds like she might be trying to scam you.

Here is what you have to do:

Don't give her any money, let it go through the insurance companies.

If the police were called, obtain a copy of the police report. If the police were not called, don't sweat it.

Photograph the parking lot where the indent happened. Photograph all around the car. I would also file a police report that the woman tried to claim you hit her vehicle. Hopefully you have all her information. When you file the police report, inform the police of how it happened, note you did not hit her car, note you do not have any damage, and note the damage on her car.

A Police report will provide that there was no damage on your car at the time of the incident.

Keep all of this on file, and if the insurance company tries to surcharge you of the accident, you need to argue there was no accident, and bring the evidence you have.

This is also helpful because of the woman is trying to scam you, she will likely have done it to other people, or will be doing it to other people. If she is, she can be found committing fraud.

Parking lots do not really have right of way, so it is up for grabs, depending on lots of factors.

Likely her insurance should just cover it and drop it.


its ur fault

So either you know you hit that car, or you back up without looking. Either way it is your fault. It would be completely impossible to hit a van while backing up without being able to see the van. Does your car not have a rear window nor rear view windows? I suggest you take a driving course before you back over a person.

So I was in a small retail Parkin lot. I was parked. I had two larger vehicles parked on each side of me. I got in my car and looked all around me before backing up. I put car in reverse and continue to look around, no one was coming that I could see, so I start to back up, continuing to look around, barely backed out two feet when I hear a car horn so a hit my break. When I hit my break I felt the car jerk, so that one thing, I don't even think I hit her. She pulls into parking spot and says u hit me. She has a small dent on the bottom of her passenger van door, (sliding door) I have no damage. She's only gets my name number and liscence plate number, tells me she will talk to her husband about it and talk about what their machanic will charge to pay for it. For her to all of a sudden be behind me she must of flew into parking lot bc she wasn't there when I was looking. She said she was coming in from side street.