> White smoke coming from exhaust?

White smoke coming from exhaust?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I have a 1998 Camaro and white smoke comes out from the exhaust is that a problem what should I do

Well if your Camaro has been sitting for a while, It can be stale fuel, if this is the case change the fuel. Do an oil change, and check your tranny fluid.


White smoke = water --- Check your oil and see if its milky brown, if so, you either have a bad head gasket or a cracked head.

It possibly could be something as simple as a fouled up pvc valve as well. Pull it off and shake it, make sure it rattles.

You have a blown head gasket. You are burning coolant. Replace the head gasket.

Oil is clean, tranny fluid is good, and coolant is fine.

I have a 1998 Camaro and white smoke comes out from the exhaust is that a problem what should I do