> Whis correct? 'would get rust or 'would get rusted'?

Whis correct? 'would get rust or 'would get rusted'?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Which is correct? 'would get rust or 'would get rusted'


Example 1:

You want to make sure that it would get no rust on it!

Example 2:

If left out in the rain, it would get rusted.

Depends on what sentence you are using!

Neither one. It would rust is correct. Rust can be a verb.

Depends upon the context of the sentence.

would get rusty


would rust


will rust


can rust

"would get rusted" seems to me that you would be mixing a future state (would) with a current or pasted condition (rusted). Rusted is a current condition. Would implies that something hasn't happened yet. Something is rusted now, it won't be rusted later; it will rust later.

i agree with howard. it would rust. you dont say, it would get rust. you could say.....get rusty.....

Which is correct? 'would get rust or 'would get rusted'