> Where to go for a car check up before a road trip?

Where to go for a car check up before a road trip?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
DONT EVER I MEAN EVER GO TO JIFFY LUBE, MR LUBE, BIG CHAIN COMPANIES...As a automotive technician i can tell you they are only interested in selling you stuff so that they can make their bosses look good. Go to a mom and pop shop that has good reviews and ask for a inspection if they are a good reputable shop they will only sell you stuff you absolutely need!.....by the way jiffy lube and mr Lube "techs" are not very experienced usually kids trying to break into the automotive business.

i checked my truck at jiffy lube once before a trip. They tell you which fluids you need to change such as your oil, radiator, transmission and so on. Though if your car has a significant amount of miles on it i'd suggest perhaps letting someone else offer the ride. If you want a very thorough check up I'd probably go to your own local dealership. Nissan, toyota, whatever it is you drive.

Jiffy Lube, Mr Lube, Canadian Tire, Private Shops.

All of those are pretty standard.

Mr Lube is probably the cheapest and quickest... if you know what your car ACTUALLY needs. They will always try to say you need to replace something that doesn't need replace for extra money.


If you know a few things about cars.

Then Mr Lube

If you do not..

Private shop as they do not usually do this. But flat fee will cost more and probably will take a longer time.

You need to find a local garage or mechanic who you can trust to take care of your car. Ask your friends who own cars where THEY get their cars serviced.

I'm not good with cars so I need to get the check up done for me to make sure it is safe to drive the car (with stuff in it) for my upcoming moving. Any suggestions of where to go? Somewhere affordable is preferred since I'm on a tight budget. Thanks.