Yes, car makers will make you buy all sorts of technology you don't want - but then be stingy with things you take for granted. Funny thing is, it's not like they don't have the parts: ie you buy the American model of a car and find there is no key lock on the right side . . . . but should you buy the overseas version of the same car it may have the right side lock but none on the left......they have designed and tooled-up for both sides but are loathe to give both to you. Ford is especially noted for this: they introduce a new model (from the all new '65 Mustang to the redesigned 2005 - and the passenger seat isn't adjustable . . . . then they add it in future years. Another example: they can't give you a car with simple radio or heater controls: every buyer must take their diabolical electronic controls to spread the development costs - - - then they charge you $102 for the "smokers set" : a plastic cup instead of an ashtray. Bass-turds.
And Yes: remote locking is great . . . and when the car is older and the system fails (and it will) your stuck with doors you can't open from the outside.
While I'm on a rant: I collect auto literature . . . on of my favs is the dealer book for '64 Studebakers. Their sedans came in 4 trim levels.......each one had either all vinyl or cloth an vinyl options ......each one available in black, tan, green, red or blue.......each one available with bench, individual or bucket sets. I think that works out to 120 interior options. Now you take linoleum gray or black, or you walk. Thanks a lot.
Does the passenger door on your vehicle on specified make and model have a place for a key on the passenger side door?
I have a lock on my passenger side door.