> What to do about a flat tire?

What to do about a flat tire?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Almost all cars come with a jack. It will not look like a normal jack tho. If the car is a large SUV will be under the seats in the middle row. If it is a pick up truck it will be in the back row or under the front seats. If it is a car then it will be in the trunk under the carpet. the jack will be either in the spare or under it. There will be 2 tools. The jack and the wrench. the wrench doubles as the handle to turn the jack. the jack will look like a flat bar with a turning knob that the wrench hooks up with. PUT THE EMERGENCY BRAKE ON! then place the jack on the FRAME of the car near the flat. Use the wrench to turn the jacks knob, raising the car till the tire is 2 inches of the ground. Now use the wrench to loosen the lug nuts. This may be difficult. After the lug nuts are off remove the flat and put the spare on. Use the wrench to tighten the lugs very tight. Then use the wrench to spin the jack in the opposite direction to lower the car. Most spares can not drive over 60 MPH and only last for 100 miles. Take the tire to any service station and they will repair it.

Call a tire shop that's close and ask about roadside help, or get recommended to the closest, least expensive help.

Anyone with a jack and a block can install a spare.

The jack must be similar.

Try the owners manual. Get an idea where to look.

Remove the mat or carpet and read the directions.

The cover where he is already looking is the general area but not necessarily where the jack is.

Then he needs the tire changing wrench for the lugs, or lugwrench. Lefty loosy, righty tighty.

The rest of the directions depend what you are working with for a vehicle.

The guy should be there doing it for his delicate self by now, so I will sign off.

Sounds like he's in over his head, which is saying something about his mechanical abilities since the average 12 year old girl can change a tire. Maybe he should call a local tire shop to see if they have roadside assistance.

No reason to spend a fortune on new tires. The vast majority of the time a flat tire can be repaired (patched). Some places do it for free, other charge $20-$30. In the unlikely situation that the tire cannot be patched he should consider a used tire from a scrap yard, that will get the car back on the road long enough to trade it in.

Well its very hard to replace a flat tire without jack though we can take our chances.

1. We can put some bricks beneath the car so that it come to the level where we can replace the tire.

2. We can use some sort of hard woods but be careful with this as they can slip inbetween.

3. We can drive the side on the pavement which have flat tyre and try to loosen the screws and try to replace the tyre.

4. Try to take help from passerby who is having jack or other thing which can keep the car steady at a level and in a balance.

5. If you have air pump try to put the air inside the tire and drive to the nearest patrol pump or a shop where it can get repaired.

Tell your boyfriend he needs to learn how to plug or change a tire. What if this happened at night on an interstate? You need to keep a floor jack. MUCH SAFER and FASTER than the crappy jack in the car.

PLEASE, for the sake of both of you, learn how to handle this and BE PREPARED!

I every car I drive, I keep a floor jack, an air pump, and a tire plug kit. I have known how to handle this before I could even drive. It has paid off and saved me hundreds of dollars. Once after a hurricane, I had to plug 3 tires on a short trip. I have never had to use the spare or the "fix a flat" stuff.

Learning this will save time, money and headaches.

First take his man card and don't give it back till he earns it. Every guy should know how ot change a tire. Every girl for that matter. Now, somewhere on or in your vehicle is a jack. Look in your owners manual. If you don't have an owners manual, google your model year car owners manual and usually there will be one online and it will tell you where the jack is located on your vehicle.

This is a joke right? My 8 year old son and 10 year old daughter changed their moms tire when they got a flat.. Tell your boyfriend to get rid of the car if he don't learn BASIC and I mean BASIC car repair. What would you guys do if your out in the middle of the country and believe me when I tell you that you cant get AAA or cell phone service absolutely everywhere. Think about it.

I can't help you either. I don't know hwy he doesn't have a jack, or can't get the spare out. It really isn't difficult, unless the tire is stowed underneath. Hopefully, someone will help him. Do you expect him to be a keeper?

Leaky valve stems. There may be cracks in the rubber stem, a poor seal between the valve stem and wheel (due to corrosion or wheel damage), or an internal air leak in the valve stem because the valve is loose, faulty or jammed with dirt. Making sure the valve stem is covered with a cap will keep dirt out and help keep air in. This type of leak can be repaired by replacing the valve stem, or the valve assembly inside the valve stem.

Punctures in the tire caused by driving over sharp objects. Road debris includes junk like nails, screws, steel wire from exploded truck tires, broken glass, sharp rocks, etc. Try to avoid running over debris in the road if you see it and can react in time (which is hard to do when driving in heavy bumper-to-bumper traffic). This type of flat can be repaired by patching or plugging the tire, or replacing it if the tire is too badly damaged to be repaired.

Bead leaks between the tire and wheel. This is often due to rust or corrosion on the wheel, but can also be caused by a bent rim (hitting a curb or pothole). Air leaks here can also be caused by a damaged bead sealing surface on the tire, possibly the result of mishandling when the tire was originally mounted on the rim (not using a bead lubricant, attempting to force the bead over the rim, using the wrong mounting hardware). This type of leak may require dismounting the tire and cleaning the rim and bead surface of the tire. If the rim is bent or damaged, the wheel should be replaced. If the bead surface on the tire is damaged, the tire will have to be replaced.

Wheel air leaks. Aluminum alloy wheels can be porous and slowly seep air over time. Adding a sealer to the tire will often cure this type of leak. Or, the tire can be dismounted from the wheel so the inside of the rim can be painted or coated with sealer.

Somebody intentionally let the air out of your tire, either as a prank or to send you a message. No repairs are needed for this other than to reinflate the tire with air (use a pump, portable tank or aerosol can of tire inflator/sealer). Be careful where you park your vehicle next time!

All of the ladies in my family carry a can of fix a flat or other brand of sealer/inflater. If it is just a nail in the tread or other small hole it will seal and inflate the tire enough to get you home or to a tire shop. Tire shops hate the nasty stuff but it will get somebody out of a dangerous situation. Changing a tire on the side of the road has the potential of some danger if you are not familiar with it. Heck, I carry some too. It is much more convenient to mess with the job at home at my convenience instead of when I am on the way to somewhere.

My boyfriend got a flat tire heading back from work and he has no idea what to do and I don't either. I can't help, I'm at college right now and don't have a car. He was planning on trading in the car at a dealership soon so he doesn't want to put too much more money into the car for a tow and has no one to call. He's having trouble getting the spare out of the trunk and says he has no jack. If he does manage to get the spare out, what are his options without a jack?

If I were a girl with a "boyfriend" that couldn't even change a tire I'd dump the dumb MFer and find my next victim! Give him a jack and tell him to jack off!!!

If he gets the spare out, it probably won't have air in it. Without a jack, he can't take the tire off. Does he have a lug wrench to get the nuts off?

His priorities about driving a car are wrong. I'm sorry things are inconvenient for the two of you, but he will learn from this experience. Years ago, men made the car a priority. Now, men have other things which they think are important.

The other way to accomplish things, when you can't accomplish things yourself, is to HIRE somebody. Let me guess, he doesn't have any money either.

I have a jack that he can borrow, but I don't know where he is.

You can't help?

>>> p.s. Several days have passed. Tell us what happened.

Call a friend with a jack, and hope they know how to change a tire. Both my daughters knew how to change a tire by themselves before they went off to college. They also were expected to check the oil, transmission fluid and power steering fluid, the right way to hook up jumper cables if they had to, and make sure the tires were aired up properly.

Get a new boyfriend. Any "boyfriend" that doesn't know how to change a tire is really a girlfriend.

Cant even imagine that; My daughters, & grand-daughters can change a flat tire; But we're from Texas !

I can't believe she's asking this question for her boyfriend and as for boyfriend damm were in the 21st century dude were you been at?

Kick it and change it to one that's not flat.

buy new

Your boyfriend doesn't know how to change a tire? Dump him

Buy a new tire...

change it

Scrap the car as it must be naff with no jack. When he gets the new car, let the dealership show him where everything is and how to change it. Just remember, they will be making at least over £1,000 profit on the sale, so let the salesman get his hands dirty for a change.

Friggin crigs man

If he can't even find the jack, he has no business changing the tire. And without a jack, there is no way to do it. As a general rule in life, you either have to be capable of handling a situation yourself or you have to be willing and able to pay someone else to do it for you. Your BF apparently doesn't want to do either. So his final option is to abandon the vehicle.

A hint: The owner's manual tells you where to find the jack and how to use it. What it won't tell you is that the spare tire is flat after sitting un-maintained for 5-10 years and that the stock 12-inch lug wrench never was and never will be capable of removing lug nuts torqued to 80 ft-lbs. The jack is just the beginning of his troubles.

Get him AAA for Christmas.

Get it replaced by a nearest scrap dealer. :)

That is why you have a jack. All cars come with a jack. Most time it is under the spare tire or very close to it... in a holder. Heck, my 60 year old aunt changed a flat in the rain. He has got to flag down a tow truck and the driver can point out where the tools are if he has them. Then it is up to bf to change the tire. Costs him only his time and effort.

without a jack? roll the spare around a little while. in my youth, i used a 4x4 and lifted a car while my buddy swapped the tire. easy lift and hold

If he can't do it perhaps you should join a company like AA or RAC, they will come out and do it for you, if a tyre place is nearby that woulde be handy too as they will change it!

Call a towing company and they will change the tire but there will be a charge for this. If he or you are AAA members, call emergency road service.

Are you sure he's a man, or a boy!?!?!? I learned how to change a tire before I even learned how to drive!!!