> What's wrong with my washing machine?

What's wrong with my washing machine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
if water is going into the drawer and not onto the floor then it must be going inside to the drum have you checked the filter for obstructions

is the drain pipe connected correctly

have you selected the right programme

Hi so you need to call out the washing machine repair guy. that costs money just for a call out and now it's a bank holiday weekend it will be even more expensive.wash your clothes in the sink like grandma used to.

There are dozens of possible faults that could cause such a problem.

The only part I can think of that would be relatively easy to check is the pressure switch.

That's generally a circular device 3 - 4" diameter attached somewhere high up in the machine, with terminals on one side and a smallish rubber or plastic pipe attached, that connects to the bottom of the drum casing.

Functionally, they are the main water level sensor in a washing machine - as the water level in the drum (and pipe) rises, the pressure is transferred via the air trapped in the tube to a diaphragm in the switch unit.

If there is a loose connection on that, it could well affect both fill and drain functions.

If it's a combined washer / Tumble dryer, it may also have a simple thermal overload in it with a push-button reset. They can occasionally trip due to vibration, or the drier air ducts or filters may be getting clogged with fluff and need cleaning out.

If you post another question, be sure to give the exact model number of the machine, there are hundreds of different ones.

There is no way to diagnose a washing machine fault like that on an internet forum and it is unlikley that dad would be able to fix it anyway

Asking in Cars and Transportation, Maintenance and Repairs is not likley to help much niether!

It's a hotpoint washer/dryer. It isn't taking in water? It goes in to the drawer just not the drum. I badly needed my clothes washing so half filled it with a kettle via the drawer lol.. But it won't drain it either!! Any ideas? I'd rather tell my dad what to do to fix it rather than pay out for a repair man. I've just moved in to a place of my own so really need to avoid unnecessary costs!

Thanks :)