> What's the quote from Mazda about the difference between the Wankel and Rotary engine?

What's the quote from Mazda about the difference between the Wankel and Rotary engine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Wankel invented it, Mazda changed it a bit, and used it in their cars........but not perfected. Great engineering though!!!

A Wankel is a rotary engine. Mazda modified the concept to make it work. But it still makes power by rotation rather than converting up and down motion to rotary motion as happens with piston engines.

Gentlemen, unfortunately none of your answers is the "quote" that I'm specifically looking for.

Geez, I remember that commercial.- "Piston engine goes Boing,Boing,Boing, and the Mazda goes Hummmmmmm"

My professor mentioned this quote from Mazda of how the difference between the Wankel and Rotary engine is that the Rotary engine doesn't have to deal with the ups and downs or something like that. Anyways it was a brilliant and simple explanation of something so technical, and it's been on my mind for a couple days already. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone who may know it could please answer this question. Thanks again bros!