> What's the proper way to steer the wheel when making turns?

What's the proper way to steer the wheel when making turns?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Hand over hand is the "wrong" way to do it now because if the airbag deployed while using that method, you could break your wrists. The proper way is.. I don't know how to explain it very well but your hands stay on their side of the steering wheel and... lets say you're turning left, with the left hand, it would pull the wheel from like, 11 (counter clockwise) to 7 then your right hand would take over and push the wheel from 5 - 1. You're turning the wheel without crossing your arms or letting each hand go over to the other side.

Yes, push-pull... Hand over hand puts the driver at risk for injury in the event of an accident.

Dont use hand over hand.

It is a pet peeve of a lot of examiners.

It wont fail you....but its just one more

Thing to avoid..!

I doubt they'll fail you for a steering method. You can't go wrong with hand-over-hand. It'll be ok.

As long as you are in adequate control of the vehicle, I doubt the evaluator will have a problem with either way.

I'm going to take the Ohio DMV driving exam next week and I'm confused on which steering method they want us to use. Do they want us to use the hand over hand method or the push and pull?

People keep saying different things so I don't know who's correct and who isn't.