> What parts should I replace on an old car? Even if they aren't broken I'd like to replace them before they do.?

What parts should I replace on an old car? Even if they aren't broken I'd like to replace them before they do.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
So what you got there a real Mitsubishi or a POS GS or RS with the 420a Chrysler motor and tranny?Either way the timing belt needs replacing every 60,000 miles. Do the water pump with the belt.You should do left and right struts at the same time. Make sure there are hub caps or center caps on the wheels or the axles seize in the hubs and you'll have a huge bill when you need wheel bearings because of it.

The car itself has brand new tires, it has a new manifold, and the guy who had it before me put a $2,500 body kit on it. I already plan on putting new spark plugs in and I'm also gonna get new wires to go with the spark plugs. The car has 179,000 miles on it so it is technically a high mileage car. I'm not sure if that's good or bad for a car that's 20 years old seeing a lot of cars in '04 and '05 even have above 215,000 miles. I kinda wanna know about parts that likely haven't been fixed or replaced since the beginning lifespan. I can guarantee almost for sure the transmission hasn't been touched and that might be on my list of things to replace. So if anyone has suggestions please let me know

They told me to replace the spark plugs. I'd say tires as well - if needed. Get an oil change that checks all fluid levels and get your battery tested.

I love those cars they're so cute!

give the car a tune up, change the oil, oil filter, spark plugs, ignition cables.

if your burning oil and want to find the source of the leak, clean the engine with a non corrosive degreaser, once its clean it'll be alot easier to find the source of the leak, might be the valve cover gasket.

you ever heard the old saying, " if it ain't broke don't fix it.".

Coolant flush and hoses, belt, transmission fluid, timing belt. quite a few miles though.

I'm 20 years old and I bought my first car yesterday. It's a 1995 Mitsubishi eclipse and I ******* adore this car. The body itself is in incredible condition and everything seems to be fine. I already know of a few things I need to fix such as it needs new engine mounts plus it needs new struts on the right side. There's 2 things I need to figure out, one, it burns oil I do know that. But it's a very VERY small amount. It's a very light tinted blue smoke, almost white in essence. That and I need to figure out why when I apply light pressure on the gas the car wants to go much faster than the amount I'm pushing (if that makes sense). I love old cars and I want to keep this thing till I'm ******* 80! I'll put a lot of money in it if I need to. But basically I don't know dick about cars and I want to know what extra parts I should replace to keep it going. It doesn't "need" these parts right now, but I want them replaced before they cause a problem seeing my car is almost 20 years old