> What makes a car loud?

What makes a car loud?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Is it the exhaust or the engine? Also, how do you get your car to make that sound, do you step down on the gas?

Hi Dear,

All engines would be loud except that mufflers are used to quiet them. However the muffler restricts the engine exhaust and thereby reduces performance. A sports car will typically have a "sports muffler" which is less effective at reducing noise for the sake of improved engine power. Also the engine power being higher will typically mean more "sound power" coming from the exhaust.

Your point about "noisy to make the drivers look cool" is apt as well. Given the "cod piece" status of muscle cars and the association of noise with engine power stated, there is "prestige" in cruising down the street in a ride which produces a power implying attention getting rumble.

it depends on what kind of loudness you mean ! a engine can be loud if you have a busted manifold , valve lifters can make it loud or a rod bearing ! but usually the muffler is what makes it loud or soft, depending what kind of muffler you have ! take a glass pack for instance, they will make is sound loud !

The Engine allows the exhaust system to be loud or purrrrrrrrrrr like a cat, Most engines are built to be loud, and if you want the noise to be louder than it's usually the mufflers, you can cut them down, or do other things.

Here's a link its kinda like the answer to your question for dummies:


Now that second part of your question is how to make the noise with your pedals

You can rev by putting it in park (or brake while driving) and stepping on that gas

while driving is a bit hard and long to type and explain cause there are so many ways to do it especially in a manual but heres a video on how to downshift and rev while driving so here's a video if you drive an automatic then look it up on youtube link here:

Yes the mufflers are what mainly control the volume, however other effects, such as air flow (like cold air intakes) change what the car sounds like as well. Primarily the muffler though.

Both... in the same car like a honda accord the v6 will be louder then the 4 cylinder motor. If you change out the exhaust or intake the sound changes.

different catalytic converter will change the sound, less or more bends int he exhaust, different mufflers, a silencer or no silencer on the muffler. stock or aftermarket intake. different throttle body. and there are much more things that effect the sound of the car.

A muffler is what regulates what the engine sounds like. Different mufflers can be loud or quiet.

Is it the exhaust or the engine? Also, how do you get your car to make that sound, do you step down on the gas?