> What is to stop people from getting a free estimate on their car and then fixing it themselves?

What is to stop people from getting a free estimate on their car and then fixing it themselves?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
First thing we need to do is realize the difference between a free estimate and a diagnosis.

A free estimate is based upon pricing a known repair, the fault is already known. Pretty much a no-brainer, standard of the industry. But, when getting a free estimate remember to compare apples to apples, not every estimate will include the same parts and workmanship.

A diagnosis is based upon discovering an unknown repair. This requires testing and troubleshooting often with specialized and pricey equipment and instruments. And this diagnosis should always be done by a qualified, experienced technician/mechanic. Neither of these come cheap to the shop and the shop must charge for this or they will lose money, go broke and shut down.

So, to put this in perspective. If I knew I had a bad Water Pump I would expect to be able to get a Free Estimate.

On the other hand, if my car wouldn't start or had some strange rattle that only occurs during left turns on rainy days, I would expect to pay money for the diagnosis and then in the end receive an estimate. I am now free to choose whether to do the repairs myself, let them do it or even shop around other places and ask for a free estimate based upon the needs of the diagnosis.

Sure seems like a weird question! You talk about getting your vehicle diagnosed for free, don't have equipment, and then mention the body shop! If you've been in an accident I'm sure the damage is obvious. You still don't have tools and I doubt you can do repairs. What's up with that?

I am still doing my own repairs and maintenance because of a "free estimate." The dealer said I had a bad carburetor and $660 would cover it. I thanked them for their time, did my own diagnosis, and paid $20 for a fuel pump and spent an hour putting it in. If I had replaced the carburetor based on their guess I would have lost a bundle.

You generally get what you pay for.

Nothing to stop you. Often if filing a claim with insurance you need to get a couple or three estimates to submit. Body shops offer free estimates in hopes of getting your business down the road.

A shop will charge you to run tests, an auto parts store will test some things for free.

Oh you are talking auto body shop gives free estimates and you are free to do what you want with it.

I don't think they will stand around and give you lessons.

An auto paint supply store might give you some tips hoping to sell some meterial but then they may try and sell you more than you need.

I could spend a few hours trying to figure out the problem with my car, probably unsuccessfully since I don't have the proper equipment. Or I could get the body shop to run tests and identify the problem for free, and then fix it myself. Why would I do this any other way? Will they not tell me the truth about the issue with my car?