> What is the liquid they use for rust proofing?

What is the liquid they use for rust proofing?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If you are in the US, all plants are required by law to have material safety data sheets on all chemicals in the facility. It will tell you, among other things, what the chemical is, and what the appropriate first aid, if any, is when exposed to the chemical. MSDS sheets are usually kept in a really big book near the time clock or in the employee breakroom. Look for an area marked "Right to know."

Every company is supposed to have MSDS sheets along with safety training however, and there's the big word............HOWEVER, if you go nosing around it may cost you your job! I once worked for a company that one of the processes involved injection molding. I once asked the supervisor your question.........What is this stuff and are there any hazards to which he replied with the typical US CORPORATE " we don't care about your health and safety.......we're here to make PROFITS"........and stated it isn't harmful! WOW!! Guess what?? I wrote down the information on the label when no one was around and then did my own research outside of the plant and BAM...........it was a HIGHLY CARCENIGENIC PRODUCT!!! That means.....CANCER CAUSING!! I would suggest you do the same for your own safety because the EVIL in AMERICA that own these plants could care less about you...........they have but only ONE interest............MONEY.........and ALL THEY CAN GET!!!!

Ask your company's safety manager.

elector painting

I just got a job at an assembly plant where they make engines. One of the jobs is to put 8 bolts into the engine block. All of the bolts are coated with this liquid. The one person I work with told me its a rust proofing liquid and can be absorbed into your skin if it gets on you. That's why they have to wear latex gloves over their regular gloves when they do this job. (I guess the liquid goes through the regular gloves you wear)

Anyway I did this job for about a couple hours and did not wear the latex gloves over my regular work gloves. (I didnt know)

I'm just wondering what is the chemical/liquid that is coating these bolts?? and can it be dangerous if it gets absorbed into your skin??