> What is recommended to do after being electrocuted ?

What is recommended to do after being electrocuted ?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You weren't "electrocuted" as by definition that would have left you dead. But if you genuinely were electrocuted the recommended step is to get your corpse collected and to arrange a funeral.

What you had was an electric shock. That's why the cover of the device very likely had a warning saying "Danger! Do not open, risk of electric shock". In future, heed the warning until you've learned enough to safely muck about with electrical devices. If you don't you could genuinely end up electrocuted.

You'll know better next time. If you don't know enough to keep your fingers out of the live components, don't try to operate any electrical device with the case open. You won't have done yourself any lasting damage, but next time you might not be so lucky.

The recommended service after electrocution is burial or cremation.

If you had been electrocuted you wouldn't be breathing, sport.

All is well that ends well, but this is an important lesson - don't tamper with stuff you are not familiar with.

Usually it isn't deadly - not enough amps - High voltage doesn't kill you but high current can. The high voltage can wake you up - if you know what I mean.

I recommend you put the cover back on. Sheesh.

So, I was opening an iMac,2008 fyi, and i touched a part while tit was still shutting down, accidentally ,and i "blacked out" for a second or less. picture:i touched the top left square with electrical components.