> What exactly would a quart of boiled linseed oil in the gas tank do to a car engine?

What exactly would a quart of boiled linseed oil in the gas tank do to a car engine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
what exactly would a quart of boiled linseed oil in the gas tank do to a car engine?

nothing. It gets mix/diluted with the gasoline.

In the old days despicable gasoline companies would dump used motor oil into gasoline. The car will run rough mess up the fuel filter bc of the dirty oil, that's it.

Varnish the rings and pistons, plug the fuel injectors, ... Effectively trash the engine and fuel system.

Plotting revenge on an ex are we?

not much

what exactly would a quart of boiled linseed oil in the gas tank do to a car engine?