> What does 95% confience mean?

What does 95% confience mean?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
assuming we meant confidence. then its a way of saying for every 100 events.. then for 95 we are certain any outcome will be as we expect. the other 5 giving us no idea or control over event.

we can use this for all sorts of interesting predictions. e.g. for every 100 bullets fired at us ..95 won't get through our armour..sadly 5 will so can still be deadly outcome.

for every 100 ebola carriers we will stop 95 .. other 5 getting past..results predictable.

It means we have taken all steps necessary to prevent ebola from coming into this country........that you can keep your present health insurance and doctor.......that it won't cost anything because we'll pay for it by eliminating waste.......that it was a spontaneous riot caused by an inappropriate video.......that we'll be out of Afghanistan.....we'll be out of Iraq....that we won't go back ..... that you have to pass it to find out what's in it..............that he'll be playing golf or fund raising 95% of the time.

It means 5% chance of inconfience.

It means they have no idea, amd when they're wrong (and after you've paid) they can say, "Well whattya know, you're one of the 5 percent!"