> What do you think the maintenance cost for a mid 2000s Crown Victoria, compared with CAMRY?

What do you think the maintenance cost for a mid 2000s Crown Victoria, compared with CAMRY?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Both are reliable, I don't know why you think an early 2000's Camry isn't. BTW I saw a Asian driving a Full size 70's Oldsmoble yes, that is different

I would say maintenance is more for the Camry but they are very reliable. At 260 000 you might want to look around for a new one.

Not as reliable as a Camry, but parts are readily available and just about anybody can fix them.

What's so funny?

What does being Asian have to do with this question?


my 93 CAMRY is getting over 260k now. lol. still running. i am a boring asian guy.. just want something safe and cheap to run. newer toyotas aren't reliable, based on my understanding like my old one.

I live in Canada. we have those government surplus getting rid off Crown Vics from time to time. I know it's made here in Canada. but how's the maintenance cost? is say 2005--2009 ish Crown Vic reliable.. lol

i have never seen an Asian drives a crown Vic.. but i guess i am just different..haha