> What can i do?

What can i do?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
First you need it in writing that the place put water in your oil from other mechanics I would do 3 just to make sure Then take your car back to the first shop that screwed it up and show them Copies of the letters from other ASE certified Mechanics If they refuse to fix it You can sue in small claims court if the cost is 5 grand or less Get estimates to fix with diagnosis Then file suit and sue them for the costs

If you paid for the service you have lots of rights What ever you do find another shop to fix it Those folks are morons

Hope it helps


Hi, water in the oil is a sign of a bad head gasket or a cracked head.. and would not be caused by an oil change.. why don't you know what part they said you needed to replace??

good luck


From your description it's impossible to tell....

If the "oil and water" are mixed up it's likely that there is serious internal engine damage. head gasket blown at least. But was that caused by the first service or just happened?

Without knowing what actually happened it's impossible to say.

You may have a claim against the first mechanic if he actually stuffed up. But you wont win a small claims case by saying "something' and "doo dad"...

If it's clear that the damage was caused by the oil change, you should have grounds for a suit.

If you live in the state of Georgia, call Attorney Ken Nugent. "One call, that's all."

last month i took my car to a local garage to do my usual maintainance of changing the oil and such. got my car back the same day and its been malfunctioning since that day, took it back they told me i had to change a specific part and so on every week i had to change something and the car is still malfunctioning. today i took it to another garage and he said that the guy who changed the oil mixed up the water and oil part and so destroyed my whole engine. do i have any rights in this one or absolutely none.