> What added to gasoline will cause a motor to freeze or lock up?

What added to gasoline will cause a motor to freeze or lock up?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
In practical terms, nothing. Adding enough sodium silicate to the oil will seize the engine, but anything you put in the gas will cause the engine to quit and stop injecting long before it defeats the oil film in the cylinders. Sugar does nothing.

Ya know, this question sounds suspiciously like asking how to commit felony damage to somebody's property. I am answering on the assumption you are concerned that it happened to you. Otherwise, Michael has very wise advice.

Lighter fluid and is if a 2 stroke or 4

Water! If it's enough...I've heard that sugar will do something horrible, but I don't remember what.

Most anything will just clog up the fuel system and stop the engine from running, just clean it out.

If you are seeking revenge you are better of letting go. Save on alsures that way. Kill them with kindness.

You can not take a poison and wait for your enemies to die.
