> Using air condition on higher altitude - on vans?

Using air condition on higher altitude - on vans?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
As the usage of air conditioners in the altitudes..is not all advisable, as because as the vehicle is in a position of stagnation,of the steep slopes...it adversely cause more effects as well as it decreases its potential.It can lower the mileage ,normal less than average mileage..And the other main factor is that it can lose more fuel..i.e. the fuel consumption takes place much faster...

One time our family was traveling in our van in mountains and the temperature outsize was over 100 degrees. The temperature gauge showed the engine was over heating because it was having to pull through the mountains in the heat. I then turned the air off and rolled the windows down. Doing that the engine temperature dropped to a normal driving temperature after the vehicle was not having to pull in the mountains I was able then to turn the air back on. That is the only time when you need to shut it off.

It TENDS to be cool in the mountains - what racinngfan3 said - it's an extra strain on the cooling system of the engine, making it work harder when it's HELLO!! Already hauling you up a mountain!

When running, the air conditioner compressor uses a significant portion of the available engine power. If you are also asking the engine to pull a heavy vehicle up a steep grade, as when driving in the mountains, it CAN cause the engine to overheat or lose power.

It's NOT necessary to turn off your A/C ALL the time while driving in mountains or at high altitude, but if you notice the engine losing power and slowing down while climbing a hill, you CAN turn off the A/C to improve your vehicle's performance. Many newer cars have an automatic control that will turn off the A/C compressor when the engine is working hard.


is it advisable to use air condition in our big van when we are mountain region on higher altitude.

i was told by someone it is not advisable..why is it ..is he say it in the context of getting low mileage or causing damage to the air conditions or is it just a unproven thing.