> Under car engine bay open?

Under car engine bay open?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Cars have been like that for years. If you cover that area, where will the hot air from the radiator and around the engine go?

Some cars to have sump guards and various panels below the engine, but the vehicle is designed with that in mind. Just seal up a normal cars engine bay, and and hour later you have a cooked engine.

Many cars have been like that for years. As was mentioned previously, adding an engine undershield can cause problems with airflow within the engine bay and cause excessive heat build-up.

The manufacturer that designed and built your car knows a lot more about it than you and I combined ever will. I suggest just leaving it as is.

Take the car to a dealer and ask them if any of the lower shields are missing. Normally there are done under the oil pan, exhaust manifolds and exhaust pipes.

Almost every car engine is open on the bottom, & it has not proven to be a problem.

thats normal. where does your radiator cooling air go? out the cowl vent and underneath the car. in fact most modern cars cant even exit through the cowl vent

OMG that's funny.


when i opened my hood i can see the ground and when i looked under my car, i can see my engine and transmission but theres plastic trays on the side but not under the engine? if i get a engine splash shield will it go under the engine and will it protect the engine? im just scared that while im driving i could get like road debris inside the plastric tray on the side of the engine.