> URGENTT!! Took my car for oil change now engine is damaged!?

URGENTT!! Took my car for oil change now engine is damaged!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
To win, you will have to prove that the mechanic didn't put in oil. The mechanic already denied those accusations. The mechanic could prove that he is competent by showing credentials and work experience, and he can tell the court that no other customer complained in all the years that he has been working on cars.

You should tow (not drive) the car to another mechanic to have them verify that it lacks oil. Then you must determine the reason that the oil is missing (never filled? filled but leaked out? (if so, where is the leak and what is the cause of the leak)).

The mechanic could also claim that you damaged your engine by driving it without oil, knowing that the low oil light was on (or it should have been on), or that the oil gauge indicated low oil. There might have been other symptoms (engine seizing, slowing the car, etc).

It might also be possible to fix some of the problems by putting in an additive designed to loosen stuck hydraulic lifters.

In my opinion, you will have an up hill battle to make your case. Of course you could sue no matter what your odds of winning are. But, you might be responsible for his legal fees if you do.

Another thing that you might consider is writing about the incident on yelp and the Bureau of Automotive Repair and Google recommendations. You might also find other dissatisfied customers who had similar complaints. If there are a lot of complaints, you might consider filing a class-action suit.

You have absolutely no chance in hell.

Your problem isn't the mechanic denying it, your problem is the fact that you know absolutely nothing about engines or civil law, and therefore have no idea how either one works.

Can you prove that the mechanic drained your oil and neglected to replace it? Not it-was-working-before, I mean actual proof. Then, if you can do that, can you explain why you decided to drive a vehicle while knowing there was no oil in the engine?

No you can't. Even if you could prove the first thing, which you can't, you'd trip when it got to the second question.

If you've got receipts and can also prove you've been changing the oil on time in the past it should be a win in court. If they failed to put oil back in you would have only made it a mile or two before the motor seized up. The tow truck driver has a record of where he picked the vehicle up and that should help prove they didn't put oil back in. I'm a bit surprised you drove the car off the oil change companies parking lot with a bright red oil pressure warning light lit in front of your face!!

Yes, it is possible to win the case. You should be able to find a lawyer who will take the case. You should not have to pay the lawyer unless they get a settlement for you. The lawyer will take 1/3 of whatever settlement money you eventually get if any. You could also pursue the case yourself in small claims court. Best case scenario is that the insurance company for the mechanic just settles out of court and pays you to go away and leave them alone. Worst case is you spend a lot of time and effort and get nothing.

You will need some kind of evidence to prove what happened. The receipt from the oil change and a written statement and repair bill from another mechanic would be helpful.

It will take many months or even years before you get any money if at all.

Your short on details. If the mechanic did not put oil in the car you would not make it a block away from the place. If you blew the engine a week later you don't stand much of a chance. Only you know the details.

Can you prove he didn't? How soon after the oil change did you dip your oil?

Was there any witnesses when you did dip it?

How far did you drive it before the problem became apparent?

Did you take the car to another garage for a professional opinion?

Has the oil filter or sump plug come loose?

Bottom line your word against his, unless you have concrete proof with regards to the above questions he's going to win.

You drove the car with no oil. The oil pressure gauge or check engine light or some other idiot light should have been indicating there was a problem. If you ignored that, then good luck in court. You are at least 50% responsible for your situation.

If you have documentation and record of miles when the oil was changed and a few photo's of new miles and evidence from another mechanic that your engine is ruined from lack of oil shortly after the change I think you would have a spectacular chance of proving in a court that they forgot to put oil in..

Who ever SAID they changed the oil and filter has *liability insurance to cover disasters which wouldn't have happened if the dealer of the car changed the oil.

Why would do such a stupid thing?most 10 yr olds can change oil in a car.Do it your self. But if you are too stupid to do it.install cameras under the hood and in the car to catch incompetent mechanics doing this ****.

I took my car for an oil change and the mechanics drained all the oil but FORGOT TO PUT OIL BACK IN! Now my engine is damaged and I cannot afford buying a new engine. Of course the mechanic denied it and said he put oil in the car. I wanna know if I can proceed with this legally and see if I can sue. Is it possible for me to win the case even though he denies it?

as long as you didn't drive to far, your best bet is small claims court. Even if he filled it with oil but didn't put the drain plug in correctly you have a case.

Excuse me if I call BULLSHIT on this one. If you had started your engine with no oil in it you would have had a BIG RED LIGHT on the dash board. If you were STUPID enough to drive it like that, then it's YOUR fault.

maybe he did put oil in it but didnt tighten the oil pan bolt all the way or the oil filter, but as they said you should have had a oil light come on.

With no oil it would have clattered like a sumbitch immediately upon startup. So what REALLY happened!?

With no oil it would have clattered like a sumbitch immediately upon startup. So what REALLY happened!?

With no oil it would have clattered like a sumbitch immediately upon startup. So what REALLY happened!?

They are liable . Your receipt will have your millage on it. It will show how far you went before the engine died. You can win.

With no oil it would have clattered like a sumbitch immediately upon startup. So what REALLY happened!?

They are liable . Your receipt will have your millage on it. It will show how far you went before the engine died. You can win.

With no oil it would have clattered like a sumbitch immediately upon startup. So what REALLY happened!?

They are liable . Your receipt will have your millage on it. It will show how far you went before the engine died. You can win.

They are liable . Your receipt will have your millage on it. It will show how far you went before the engine died. You can win.

They are liable . Your receipt will have your millage on it. It will show how far you went before the engine died. You can win.

contact jacoby and whiplash and go from there. why didn't you pay attention to the light on the dash???