> Transmission problem?

Transmission problem?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
slipping would be the tranny hits 4k shifts THEN it slams back into say third THEN back to 4th and act like this through all the gears not just second. many cars may do this due to low fluid but used cars are used cars.I have a two year old car that hits 4k if I floor it then shifts sooo.. they guy either is SUPER honest or being kinda shady here take it for a long freeway run and back through the city to get a feel for the tranny drive it like normal and see what happens...

What is going on is that the seller is being a bit honest with you. He means. You will get it home then you'll need a new transmission before it moves again. Price that up and subtract it from the price of a good one. If the asking price of this one is more pay what its worth by your calculations. If the asking price is less there's probably more wrong with it.

year make and model would of helped but you can take the car if registered to a transmission shop for road test to determine if a transmission problem. its a free road test. find local shop at ATRA.COM rebuilt from shop in the 2 grand range so take that into consideration if you're going to buy it

When ever you floor a car it usually shifts down a gear or two. That's what automatics do.

looking to buy a trans am from a guy. I asked if there were any problems with the car, and he told me that the only thing he knew about was that the other day, someone else had test driven it with him, and they noticed the car would change to second gear at 4000 rpm. any time the man floored it, and didnt let it build up speed.

I don't know if this is an actual problem at all, but thought maybe the transmission was slipping?

If you have any idea whats going on here, let me know.