> Tire Help?

Tire Help?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
dynamic"spin" balance is the last thing to do.

First you put a quality tire on a true rim.

Then you orient its heavy spot to counter the wheel's heavy spot.

The factory sets and indicates with paint, dots, or stickers.,the location of a wheels heavy spot. The tire maker uses a dot to line up with it.

The static balance has the machine operator counter any measurable need for a weight. for a heavy spot.

The dynamic or "spin balance" weighs the assembly, measures it's oscillations during a process of taking it up to a preset speed.

Then shows the operator where to add light weights to counteract that.

It is up to the operator of the machine to use weights that will

remain in place. and place them in the right point on each plane

of the assembly.

Mistakes, or failing to observe any of these, results in abnormal feel at 50 to 55 mph. sometimes, if it is severe

If your car has a problem at 50 to 55 mph, you can inspect the weights, count them, and locate where they were put.

if they are gone, there are too many, or heavy weights were used, these are clues.

you could ask them to recheck.

if you see dots, marks or sticker misaligned. this is a clue.

They are designed to be matched and aligned per spec. for that make. If your make specifies differently than yours are aligned, you can correct that, reducing the required amount of weight.

if your wheels or tires don't have any, they may not be that intricate, and experimentation may be necessary to correct

an abnormal amount of weight required.

excessive radial or lateral runout would persist in a shake regardless.

Trouble with the hubs or suspension or some other oscillation with the car can persist no matter what. meaning it is not fixed during a balance and rotate at walmart.

Ask their service manager to drive with you, show them what to fix, and ask them to recheck from the beginning.

since it's a low paid job, they may have botched it, or there's a problem balance wont fix.

Like the rear tires were put back there for a reason and now you have them up front.

A wheel and tire combination that shakes on the rear axle, was not noticed, and is now put up front.

( I Believe this will be your cause)

What you described is nearly always caused by throwing a balance weight right after they were put on. They did a spin balance and added weights as needed. These weights are crimped onto the rim of the wheel.The most common time to throw off a weight is right after it has been put on. It comes off because the tire shop guy gets carried away when he crimps it on too tight and ends up cracking part of it. Go back and have the missing weight put on again. It's free. All tire shops have the problem - some more than others.

When getting new tires they should be balanced with a proper tire alignment. This is normal at a good tire store. Go back to walmart and state the problem. You should not be charged for a alignment since this is a normal thing to do. But then your dealing with Walmart. You get what you pay for

Walmart wouldn't know a quality wheel and tire balancer if it bit them in the backside. You will not find the best wheel balancer in the world (Hunter GSP-9700) @ Walmart.

Nothing like having high school drop outs messing with your vehicle! Have them do the balance over again. If it's still there go to a tire store (NOT Firestone!) and have them balance the tires.

It could be a bad cv joint. Have that checked. Rotate the tires front to back first to see if anything changes. If not, a road test might not prove anything. You need to flex the cv joint to see if it's stiff, broken or frozen. That will shake the car hard between 50-80 mph, smooths out close to 90mph, if you can stand it. Could put it on a dyno- smog shops have dynos.

Yes either they misbalanced the wheels or the weight used to balance a tire has fallen off.

Honestly, Walmart? They will never really get it right. Ask for your money back and have it redone at a reputable tire store.

Wow , lots of answers but the correct one is you need a high speed balance. Period the end !

I would go back and demand my money back.If you have to take the manager for a ride to prove your point.I would then take my car to a reputable tire shop.

I just got my tires balanced and rotated at walmart and now when I get over 50 my car shakes should I go back? Did they do something wrong? It's not a violent shake but I noticed it

go back to them; possibly a wheel(s) that are not balanced properly, a wheel weight has fallen off, or one or more tires are defective

Balance is wrong

Yes to both

Balance is wrong

Balance is wrong

Balance is wrong

get the balance retested. it sounds like you may have lost a weight or the wrong one was used.

Yes to both

Balance is wrong

Yes, I would go back. Sounds as though they simply did not balance your wheels properly.

Yes to both

Go back

go back and see if they balanced them right.

That is called a "Do-Over". No charge.

Go back.

