> State the speed of the camshaft relative to the crankshaft on a four stroke and two stroke engine?

State the speed of the camshaft relative to the crankshaft on a four stroke and two stroke engine?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
In all conventional engines with which I'm familiar, the camshaft turns at one-half crankshaft speed.......the camshaft makes one complete revolution during a 4 stroke combustion cycle, the crankshaft makes 2 revolutions. I guess it would be possible to have a camshaft rotate at an even slower speed if it had 2 lobes on each cam, ie l revolution for every 4 revolutions of the crank that would open the valve twice - - - but can't think of why that would be done (some Englishman probably tried it tho').


A 4 stroke camshaft runs half crank speed. A 2 stroke engine that uses a cam runs it at crank speed

"Passive Agressor" has it right that camshaft turns half speed of crankshaft on 4 stroke engine. As far as 2 stroke engine, it has no camshaft as it does not use intake and exhaust valves. Fuel is forced into and out of combustion chamber by crankcase pressurization.

should be 1:1