> So i work at a car dealership and was hired as a service trainee doing oil changes and just the basic car maintenance st

So i work at a car dealership and was hired as a service trainee doing oil changes and just the basic car maintenance st

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes, it's perfectly legal and it happens at every dealership. The lowest guy on the totem pole always cleans, takes out the trash, sweeps and mops, mows the grass, and all that ***** work. I was in your shoes. I started out as the lowest head on the totem pole changing oil and all the ***** work. As time went on I was getting sent to school and eventually got replaced completely off the oil change rack and got my own stall. If you think it's hard now wait until you're a line tech. Having to wait on parts for days meanwhile the **** just keeps on stackin'. Having to drop what you're doing constantly to do recalls. Need time to diagnose that Jeep's electrical gremlin but you don't get no time to do it...at least not ever while it's acting up. Meanwhile you got a customer calling twice today asking if I fixed the water leak in their Chrysler 200 yet. Meanwhile the salesmen are coming up wanting you to put running boards and a tool box on a pickup they sold and of course they're up front waiting on it. And then you got the damn oil changers that's always bothering you for help or to borrow a tool and then they don't return it and you end up finding it laying on the floor some damn where anybody can steal it. lol It's a lot a frustration. At least what you're doing now is simple. 30 minutes and you'll never have to see that car for another 3,000 miles. And then you get home and apparently one of your wife's friends is having car trouble so she booked an appointment for you to take a look at it and make a run to Advance Auto Parts and fix it. Then you come into work on Sunday when the dealership is closed just to get caught up on work you couldn't get to during the week and you end up staying longer than a normal work day. Your wife's mad at you because she works third shift and Sunday is her day off and she wants to spend time with you. Welcome to the life of being a technician.

at a job your description is whatever the boss {"who signs the pay check or manager" tells you to do. they don't even need a reason when the fire you. the only thing that they can not fire you for is retaliation. at that point the state government will be involved and there has to be a very good reason for them to be involved. They will force the boss to take you back and it will be hairy from there"

Like being in the army, the job of an apprentice is to learn to do disagreable tasks. Unless he starts asking you to do things that are actually illegal, you should show a good attitude.

Sounds to me like your Father was trying to teach you what it takes to run a business. If you're asking stupid junk like this you're a born loser and your old man is going to be disappointed. If I was him I'd have a paternity test done to make sure Mom didn't get knocked up by the mailman! You like licking stamps?!! Rut Roh

Your job description also includes what your father tells you to do to gain experience (what makes the business tick) before he flips you the keys to the place some day.

LOL!!! You're the low man on the pole. The low man does what the boss tells him to do or is welcome to find a job somewhere else. Are you too much a man to scrub a shitter?

its a job. if nothing else to do than you do the #### jobs. most of us have done it from time to time. the shop i'm in now 7 employees we all take turns doing the #### work. grow up

***** about it all you want, if you don't like it, QUIT, and Daddy will sell the dealer to someone else when it comes down to retiring.

It all pays the same. Man up and do what you're asked to do.

"Is it legal...?" sure, you work for them, you do what they tell you to do. As long as they aren't asking you to break any laws, it's in your "job description". You have to start at the bottom and work your way up.

Well my boss (also my father) I am 22 years old. Well my boss hired me for basic car maintenance and lately he has been giving me stuff that isnt anywhere near what my job is. For instance he has me pulling up tiles at work and cleaning bathrooms and refers to me as the "shop ***** or the shop gopher in front of others" Is it legal for your boss to make you go out of your job description into things you know nothing about like if youre a service apprentice doing oil changes and learning about engines and your paperwork states that youre a service apprentice is it legal for your boss to force you into other things that arent in your job description?