> Should my housemate involve insurance in a minor car scratch caused by my bike?

Should my housemate involve insurance in a minor car scratch caused by my bike?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I don't want to come down on you, as the one above certainly covered everything to make you feel quite low.....but.........really...how old are you?????

What were you thinking when you leaned your bike on her car. I would have been devastated to think you could do such a thing. How disrespectful!

Now....wondering if your bike caused the scratches......more than likely it did.

But.....I do know the Police often take samples of paint from a car, when damages have been caused. They would know if the paint came from your bike.

She going to the Insurance Company does not mean she is paying for the damages.

You are supposed to report accidents to your Insurance and they will then go to your Insurance,if you have any. Or...they will get the money from you.

I hope this does not ruin your friendship,but...get the proof, your bike did the damage and pay her, if need be.

I hope this will be a lesson for you, to have further respect for other peoples property.

In your defense though.....I don't think all those scratches would have come from your bike....leaning there and not moved.

Ask the Police to come do their paint test...to see if any paint from your bike is on her car. They are very good at it.

Well, i thinks probably impossible to confirm that you caused the damage. You did lean your bike on her car and that means it's possible, you're gonna have to fix it. Fixing that would require stripping the paint and filling in the scratches and painting it. This is going to be expensive. Probably cheaper to pay the excess than having a panel beater, and painter fix it, but there is no harm in getting some quotes first.

Try to negotiate with her saying that claiming on her insurance will affect her premiums by having a claim on her policy, that might help in convincing her to get quotes.

Your tale is a microcosm of what is wrong with society these days: you feel you are entitled to lean your bicycle against someone's expensive automobile ("screw them, I want to lean my bike against their crap - what's it to me?") and "Mr.357" say "tell her to eat........"). Me Me Me, it's all about me and to heck with everyone else. Am wondering how much time you folks spend on "social media" talking about yourself.......how much you worry about global warming and eating the poor chickens, when you don't give a darn about other human beings. Why not go out and cut a few peoples' heads off - screw 'em.

Are you suggesting that your roomie should claim the damage under HER insurance???? (she would need to pay the deductable.....and her insurance premiums will go-up for 5 years).

She should get the car repaired wherever she wants to take it.......you should pay for it - and learn to have just a bit of respect for other people and their property: not everything in the universe is about you.

Just some scratches and 3 little dings......how dare she when YOU wanted to lean your bike against her car. Unbelievable.

Your story did not explain the cause of any damage.

Did the bike fall over against it?

Did any one see it?

If you did not do it and it did not fall,

Then she already had the damage, which is it.?

If that is a BMW it is going to be an expensive refinish.

Her only evidence so far is you parked a bike against it.

Not that the bike fell over.

You will learn not to frickin touch other people's cars.

She will learn that you have to have a witness.

Without enough evidence she can try to sue you.

You stand your ground if you did not cause the damage, tough,

let the judge decide.

she may be thinking its best to do it all legal and proper thus using insurance company. your issue being leaning bike on her car. puts you in a difficult position. ( one should never do such a thing)

still she is within her rights to use insurance company. it simply means its expensive and you get the bill to pay. not ideal way to stay on good terms.

ideally she ought to consider getting quote from whomever her insurer says and another form a BMW approved dealer. thus you at least get two sources of comparable quotes though likely not a lot of difference. expensive lesson but hopefully not end of partnership. good luck.

Its a bit anal of her since you already said you will pay for it. What a silly cow?

`Get a bottle of cheap a** bottle of silver fingernail polish and tell her to eat *()_.

I leaned my bike against the front of my housemate's car for a few seconds. I put the handlebar (made of rubber) onto the car to lean it on the car. Later, she said the bike caused some scratches to the car. The scratches in question are three little dings, about 6-8 inches apart - they look very similar to gravel dings that one accumulates from driving a lot on freeways.

I can't prove that my bike didn't cause the damage (I don't think I can, anyway. I want to line my bike up to the car later, but she's out of town for the weekend). I think I should pay for damages. I've asked her to get quotes from a few different places on how to fix this, so that we can get a fair price.

She says she is just going to call her insurance company and go wherever they tell her to go.

I'm frustrated because I want to work with her, not create waves (because we live in the same house). But then she won't consider looking around at different auto repair places.

I've taken pictures of the damage. In the attached picture you can see two of the scratches/dings. What should I do? Or am I in the wrong?