> Should I take this to small claims court?

Should I take this to small claims court?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I've got some good news for you, my friend. Normally, most of these people are correct. Buying a used car is an "as is" sale, and the law offers you no protection (except in the case of fraud).

However, in your case, because you were a minor when you purchased the car, you have the right to void any contract you enter into (save and except for the necessities of life). Obviously, this guy didn't know this, or he would not have sold it to you.

The problem for you is that you came across this knowledge too late, after you had put all this money into the car. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the judge can only "undo the deal". That is, you get your $2500 back, he gets the car. Maybe, if he knows he's going to lose in court, he might settle and give you the $800. The first step is to go to your local courthouse, file in small claims court, and have him served.

Unfortunately, a car of that price, is usually bought "As Is" unless you have some sort of paper work stating that all is in working order etc.

You can probably go to small claims court and win if you have a certified mechanic with you that has done the work on it.

Lesson learned..............never buy a car without having a certified mechanic look at it before buying. And if the seller refuses to bring the car to your mechanic or will not allow you to have it looked at..........STAY far away from it.

Take him to court... then the Judge will explain to you what AS IS means right after telling you that you just lost the case. Never take the word of someone what they say about a car unless you are wiling to trust them. If you don't know, find someone who does know or have a mechanic inspect the car.

You bought the car as is from Craigs List with no warranty. You couldn't even reserve a date @ small claims court.

In order to win your case, you will need the mechanic to come in and be a witness for your claim.

However, it's not likely that such a claim will get you more than you paid for the car.

always take an experienced person with you when buying.. mileage alone should have told you a converter

may need replacing-- even with good experience no one knows exactly when a converter will fail unless its abuse or neglect.

YOu would have to prove he knew or ought to have known there was a problem with the car.

You probably have a good case

So I bought a car in March for $2500 from a private seller on craigslist. He told me that the car was in perfect running condition and the only thing needed fixed was the tire. Im 17 and this was my first car so I thought it was a good deal. A week later it was overheating and I had to replace the engine. This costed $2400, more than the cars worth almost. The mechanic told me he fixed the car up just enough to sell it to me. Not to mention that I had to spend $400 in repairs before it passed inspection. Well now I was told it needs a new catalytic converter because of the engine troubles I had. I called the guy who sold it to me and told him I wanted $800 to cover the cost of the converter or I was taking him to court.He refused. If I take him to court would I be able to win back the cost of the repairs? I don't really know how small claims court works. Thanks.