> Should I replace the clutch?

Should I replace the clutch?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I would have it looked at (or do it yourself if you know how). Sounds to me like the clutch may be sticking if you can smell it burning as you drive. As far as your merging question, letting go of the clutch too soon wouldn't cause the burning smell, but if it didn't disengage and you began rapidly accelerating (increasing engine RPM) that would definitely cause the burning smell and possibly smoke as well.

To test the clutch all you need to do is at a dead stop, put the transmission in 4th gear and rev the motor to 3,000 rpm's. Release the clutch pedal suddenly and if the motor stalls the clutch is good. If the motor slowly loses rpm's and the car barely moves the clutch is slipping and needs replacement.

You can burn your clutch by operating it improperly. It will wear off a little extra clutch material, but is probably won't ruin your clutch. It may smell for a while after that. If it is slipping while driving (even under heavy acceleration) you probably need it replaced.

Sooner of later you will have to replace the clutch. But if you drive 'nice' you can postpone that for a long time.

That just means the clutch is wearing out, you can wait a little while before you replace the clutch. Stop by your fav repair shop and have them test drive the car for a few miles.

You for sure put some extra wear on the clutch, but until you notice excessive slippage,. don't worry about it. The smell is likely just in the upholstery. Try full throttle in a higher gear, does it slip without touching the pedal?

I just got a car with a manual transmission, and I've been doing pretty well. However, last week, I was merging onto a 55 going up a hill, and I was getting impatient. i saw a gap and went for it. When I did, I think I gave too much gas and let go of the clutch too soon. After that, I smelled the distinct smell of my clutch burning. I pulled over and waited a minute. Then, I went back on the road and drove suuuper nicely. Now, I haven't had much trouble with the car and shifting, but I still worry about the clutch. Every once in a while, even if I drive nicely, I can still faintly smell the clutch. Should I get a new clutch? Or is there another way to fix this?